After successful the iF Design Award for its OptiBean Touch system, Animo’s new ComBi-line has gained the Red Dot Award for its prime quality and design options.

Over a number of days 40 mavens evaluated over 6,300 merchandise from some 59 taking part nations.

Reinder Schortinghuis, managing director of Animo mentioned: “Good taste isn’t just about coffee. The design of our products plays a crucial role in the development process. To win this award is a positive confirmation of our ambition; creating stylish coffee machines that are easy to use, durable, and above all meet the demands of our customers.”

With a ComBi-line espresso system customers are in a position to brew massive amounts of unpolluted clear out espresso in brief time period which is acceptable for lodges, theaters, care properties, places of work or breakfast rooms.

The greatest mixture has a capability of as much as 1,280 cups (160 litres) in line with hour.

A ComBi-line setup is a mixture of a brewing unit with one or two packing containers (5, 10 or 20 litres). These bulk brewers will also be put on a buffet, counter or on a serving trolley.
